Retrospective Meeting – simple Technics helping to moderate the dialogue for co-located teams


Retrospective meetings are recurrent meetings, that normally happen after the Sprint Review. Those are very important moments to make a Team reflection about what can be improved. But sometime, there are moments where the Team faces some difficulties to start addressing issues.

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How abstract really are story points?


Refinement meetings (or grooming meetings, as you prefere it) are my favorite AGILE ceremonies. The moment when, after a creative and smart discussion, all team selects ONE CARD, each team member selects individually one card! And then we try to understand discrepancies between values, why one person voted too high, other too low… this is an amazing moment where so much can be observed: who leads, who knows, who loves risk, who is more cautious, who influences, who will implement it 🙂

Continue reading How abstract really are story points?